Station Name: DROXFORD
Droxford station looking south in the 1950's Photo from Lens of Sutton 1910 1:2,500 OS map. Droxford
station building is seen on the down side. On the up side the wide platform acts as both the up passenger platform and a cattle dock. There was a fence separating the two which isn't shown on the map. The signal box is shown near the south end of the up platform. There are two sidings, that to the left is for coal while that to the right passes the west side of
the small goods shed. 1963 1:2,500 OS map. By this date the station had closed to both passenger and goods traffic. The goods shed and signal box (an LSWR Type 4) have been demolished. The 5-ton capacity
yard crane is shown. Droxford
Station in early 1955 around the time the station closed to passenger traffic.
Photo by S C Townroe Sadler
Rail Coach at Droxford station in April 1968
Photo by Nick Catford Droxford Station in April 1968 with stock belonging to the Southern Locomotive Preservation Company. Ex Southall Gas Works diesel shunter 'Spitfire' is in the bay platform in front of the coach. What appears to be an unusually wide platform is the up platform and cattle dock. The fence line separating them can be seen. Photo by Nick Catford Droxford station building in July 1975. Photo by Nick Catford Droxford
station looking north from the up platform in January 1983.
Photo by Nick Catford Droxford Station in 2003, now restored as a private residence. Photo by David Packman from Hampshire Cam web site [Source:
Nick Catford]
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