[Source: Terry Callaghan] Looking north from the southern end of the GWR side of the station.
Photo from the John Mann collection A pair of Pannier Tanks at the southern end of the station viewed from the Castle Hill Road. The nearest is awaiting the road towards Blowers Green, with the upper locomotive seemingly running round its elderly looking passenger coaches. Photo from the John Mann collection
The derelict Freightliner terminal and the site of the GWR side of the station viewed from the derelict signal box in the early 1990's. The line heading off parallel to the former terminal was the GWR line to Wolverhampton Low Level.
Photo by Ted Burgess The now derelict BR LM15 signal box which was erected on the site of the LNWR side of the station to control movements in and out of the Freightliner Terminal. Photo by Ted Burgess Looking south towards Blowers Green from the north end of the station site on 13 April 2005. The line has been closed for some eight years at this point, and the signal box has been demolished.
Photo by Martin Beddall The station entrance viewed from the trackbed on 13 April 2005. The arches that can be seen through the trees are lower at this point to accommodate the bridge required to reach the platforms. Photo by Martin Beddall A close up version of the previous picture on 21 March 2015 showing the different heights of the arches in the wall holding back the Tipton Road. The fresh brickwork above the lower arches and where the coping stones end, above the ivy, shows the location of the station entrance. The larger arches can be clearly seen to the right of the trees. Photo by Terry Callaghan