Station Name: ST. HELENS (Lancs) 3rd Station
Paul Wright]
St. Helens Shaw Street (4th station) c.1960. Taken from the extreme west end of the station, looking towards Corporation Street. The 3rd station would have been on the near left-hand side of the photo. Photo reproduced by permission of St. Helens MBC Libraries, Local History & Archives Section St.
Helens 4th Station in 1975 looking north shows part of the site of the
3rd Station site. The 3rd station was towards the foreground of the
picture on the left hand side.
Photo by Bevan Price St.
Helens 4th Station now known as St. Helens Central looking south in
2002. St. Helens 3rd Station would have been located in the top right
hand quarter of the picture. The lines bearing left at the south end
of the station are the route of the original St. Helens and Runcorn
Gap railway which would have served the 3rd Station. The lines leading
off to the right are the 1872 Huyton line which led to the building
of a replacement for the 3rd station'.
Photo by Bevan Price Home Page